November 30, 2017

Urgent hand carry to Kazakhstan

At first this started as an urgent request for a small shipment from Italy to Kazakhstan. The delivery deadline in Kazakhstan was due in two days and normal airfreight or courier service would never get the shipment on time at the consignee to meet the deadline. Taking the usual customs formalities and the many parties involved with normal airfreight into consideration, the only option left was a hand carry.

There were no good options to ship the cargo directly from Italy to Kazakhstan, so the shipment had to be brought to Amsterdam Airport first. The day after the clients request, one of our LFS representatives took the early flight from Amsterdam Airport to Florence Airport and immediately collected the shipment upon arrival. There was no time for any delay as the flight back to Amsterdam was in the afternoon on that same day. Once returned at Amsterdam Airport the shipment was quickly handed over to another LFS representative who took the direct flight to Kazakhstan. As for every other shipment leaving the European borders, this shipment needed to be customs cleared at the Dutch Customs, luckily without any problems or delay. Shortly after arrival in Kazakhstan, the goods could be delivered to the consignee, on time and before the deadline was due.

Again a satisfied customer thanks to our flexible, fast and creative mindset in this critical matter.

Are you in need of creative and unusual solutions for your top urgent shipment? Feel free to contact us, so we can fit you with a suitable solution!

LFS Facts 2023

9484 Shipments
8563 Tons
1627 Active clients
29 IATA ranking