June 05, 2012

Pandemonium at Lagos airport after customs and agents clash

Business activities were brought to a stop at the cargo section of Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos recently, following a clash between officials of the Nigeria Customs Service and clearing agents over alleged mishandling of a senior customs officer.

Two people were injured in the fracas as some people scampered for safety after sporadic gunshots were reportedly heard at the Nigerian Aviation Handling Company. Riot police were stationed in the area with an APC vehicle and about 8 customs patrol pickups were also drafted to the scene of the incident. Tear gas was shot by NCS personnel.

Until further notice, all airfreight movement into Lagos has stopped and large volumes of cargo remain unhandled at the airport tarmac.

Lift Freight Services keeps all cargo from worldwide origins on hold, pending the resolution between the parties involved. For any update on the situation, please get in contact with our staff. We are in close and daily contact with our local agents and are able to give you situation checks per hour if needed.

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