June 19, 2017

Lift Freight goes USA!

From June 23d to June 26th, the JW Marriot Marquis hotel in Miami Florida, will be the venue for the 7th Lognet Global annual conference. Close to 200 countries will be represented during this event by over 250 attendees. Even with this big group of people, the network is a close knit crew where personal business and relations are still key and determine for a big part with whom we partner. Like Lift Freight: ‘local heroes only’ so people who are experts  in their local methods of working and who are well informed on their home markets, opportunities and specific requirements.

The annual meeting is recognized as one of the most important benefits of network membership and it is therefore essential that our company is represented there. Attending the conference allows us to take full advantage of the opportunity to connect with fellow members; key to the growth & success of our business. An absolute requirement to providing the personal service that sets the independent freight forwarder apart from the big and slow multi-nationals, is knowing that all parties involved in handling a shipment are professional, capable and are totally focused on the needs of the client and knowing the people we are dealing with. This is the only way to build the confidence necessary for fellow members to commit their hard-earned business to us and we to them.

Our Sales Director Maarten Bolten will be attending the conference and he will be happy to meet up with you if you are around. Please be our guest and reach out to us to schedule an appointment!

For Lognet Global: please click here.
For WCA e-Commerce: please click here.
Or check our website for contact details.

LFS Facts 2023

9484 Shipments
8563 Tons
1627 Active clients
29 IATA ranking