June 01, 2017

Charitable shipment: Hockey pitch to Kenia

LFS assisted with the local handling, documentation on the Dutch side, transport to port and the ocean freight to Mombasa port in 2 containers. This was all done on cost price bases as we felt strongly for this particular project and applaud and support global equality in general. The fact that young Kenyan hockey players can now prepare for a professional, international hockey career is great and we feel proud to have been able to be a part of that initiative.

LFS positioned empty ocean containers on the ground with side-loader container trucks at the Dutch club so the field could be loaded easily and straight after it was cut and rolled from the subsoil. The initiator of the project (a player at the Dutch hockey club and national league), other volunteers of the club and sponsors all participated and the containers where collected by our container trucker after loading was complete. It took a bit of effort and time to get the pitch into Kenia by the local agent, without paying duties and taxes but in the end, all went well and the pitch got placed at the Nairobi club in good order and condition.

LFS Facts 2023

9484 Shipments
8563 Tons
1627 Active clients
29 IATA ranking