July 27, 2017

Argentina monster move

The long and heavy crates contained tubes, pipes and pipe bends and ends and were collected from Austria on next day service, with numerous (flatbed) trucks. The material was purchased by an Argentinean factory in the plastic industry. Due to the weights and sizes, a cranes were positioned at the Amsterdam ground handler on the different days of handling, to offload the oversized pieces from our trucks onto the aircraft pallets. The split was done in order not to max-out the airlines capacity to Buenos Aires so airfreight rates could be kept at an affordable level.

– Lot 1 consisted of 3 pieces with a total weight of 30800 kg and 76 m3 volume
– Lot 2 consisted of 5 pieces with a total weight of 62900 kg and 63 m3 volume
– Lot 3 consisted of 3 pieces with a total weight of 11120 kg and 55 m3 volume

All parties involved found the synergy required in this closely set-up move and this resulted in happy shippers and receivers. The handling of this shipment – once again – underlines LFS’ professionalism and abilities to move big project cargoes like these.

LFS Facts 2023

9484 Shipments
8563 Tons
1627 Active clients
29 IATA ranking